Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Almost Time for School!

It is almost time for school to start up again!!! I cannot believe it! It feels like summer just started yesterday! It's time to do school supply shopping! I have already bought everything that I need so I'm all set for the first day of school! I am looking forward to seeing all of my friends again, but I will dearly miss sleeping in every morning and staying in my pajamas all day if I feel like it. But it will be good to get into a routine again! I haven't stayed on a regular schedule the whole summer! Going swimming when I want and shopping for fun-I am going to miss those things a lot! But summer can't last forever! School is creeping up on us!  I have mixed emotions about it! Oh well theres not much I can do! Have a good rest of the summer everyone!


  1. I hear you! I have mixed feelings, too! Enjoy the last couple of weeks of vacay!

  2. Things are often like that, right? Some good and some not so good aspects to things. Still, summer is not over yet!
